Christine Madore, AICP, Salem, MA City Councilor, Jennifer Berardi-Constable, Hull Select Board Chair, and I discussed our experiences of serving in elected office, using our lens as planning and community development professionals. The session was moderated by Kathleen Onufer, AICP, LEED AP ND, Goody Clancy. Session description: “Planners and community development professionals quickly become experts at policy, local government, and regulation in the communities they work in, but decision-making ultimately falls to elected officials. Through an actively-facilitated panel discussion and audience question and answer, this session will explore what happens when planners become the decision-makers by running for elected office in their home communities and in many cases, winning. CM: 1.25”
Manisha Bewtra, AICP
community builder • facilitator • advocate • city planner • former elected official